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Client Attraction Zone To Getting Clients With Confidence

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£ 49.99

Client Attraction Zone To Getting Clients With Confidence

£ 49.99

Client Attraction Zone To Getting Clients With Confidence

Client Attraction Zone To Getting Clients With Confidence


In this short and powerful program, you are going to experience and integrate four mindset shifts to upgrade your self-image that will create your unique client attraction zone where you approach, connect and engage with potential clients with an unshakeable inner confidence that will shine through in all your conversations. 

That piece that when you’re about to approach a client, you pull back:

• No, they won’t want to hear from me. They have access to so many wonderful people. Who am I that they want to talk to me?
• Once my website is updated with my new message, then I’ll be ready.
• I can’t get clients. They don’t want what I am selling.

We are going to change this to:

• They’ll be lucky to have me.
• They do have access to wonderful people who can help them, and I am one of them.
• Getting my website 100% up to date is an ongoing journey and has become a comfort zone, no more excuses.
• My websites cannot replace me. I am the goose who lays the golden eggs. Not my website.
• I can work all of it out – it’s not a train smash.

We are going from concept to practical implementation. We are creating a recipe for a ritual and add to it over the next five modules, and you can work through this at your own pace. I suggest that you do the modules at least three days apart so that you can add to the practices and integrate them all. 

This is all about the mindset that results in your energy vibration that either attracts or repels clients. Doing mindset and energy work is a process, and for it to work, it needs to be experienced in your body and integrated. In other words, it needs to be embodied. 

Basic knowledge

This program is for entrepreneurs or a professional in the corporate world who lack the self-confidence to approach potential clients to grow their business.

What will you learn

Learn how to create your client attraction zone where you approach, connect and engage with potential clients with unshakable inner confidence that will shine through in your conversations.

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Self-awareness of how you sabotage yourself from getting clients.

Module 2: Create Unconditional Self-Worth - the Value of You

Module 3 Change your Sabotaging Thinking Patterns & Flip Your Fears

 Module 4: Self-Care – the Key to Your Success

Module 5: Finalise your New Story and Checklist of Getting Clients with Confiden